What is Stuttering Speech Therapy Ayurvdic Teatment of Stutter

Speech disorder is called Stuttering when a person face problem or interruption in normal flow of speech, some people are habitual of eye blinking or fluttering of lips, it can increase the communication gap. You can identify the stuttering while talking over the phone or in group discussion or any other chatting.

Age Factor

Normally Children at the age group of 2 to 5 face this problem. Hardly 5 percent children stutter at the above of 5 years and they recover it by 10 to 12 year. Less then 1 percent have this problem for whole life and stutter at adult or old age. They could not recover their stuttering or Haklapan.
The speech therapist first recognize the evolution or flourishing of Speech it rate , volume and hardness and complete stuttering. After that they diagnose the patient.

We can give Ayurvedic treatment to stuttering patient ( Dose as per suggestion of Doctor as age standard )

What is Stuttering Speech Therapy Ayurvdic Teatment of Stutter
What is Stuttering Speech Therapy Ayurvdic Teatment of Stutter

Ayurvedic treatment of impediments -

  • 1-      We can take 10 almonds and 10 peppers with sugar ,  grind all these and have in the morning with a glass of warm milk, using it at least for ten days 

  • 2      Cow's ghee to remove impediments is considered an excellent remedy | 3-6 grams daily in       melted butter and sugar together over cow's milk to drink in the morning and in evening. After three months you will stop having drugs and get benefit in stuttering.

  • 3 For children chewing a fresh Amla per day. This will improve their tongue in thin with clear voice, and his stutter and lisp will go away.

  • 4         Soak 10 almonds in water overnight in the morning Grind off their skins, and consumed them with 30 grams of butter made of cow milk is also beneficial for stuttering

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