Celibacy Benefits and How It can Change Your Life

The importance of celibacy

 The food is digested, it is the first juice. Takes 5 days to become food juice and five days His digestion and blood is formed. After five days Meat with blood in it, the 5-5 day difference fattening, fattening
Bone, bone marrow from the marrow and in the end Semen is made. In which the metal is formed woman Her "Raj says. Thus becoming closer in semen 30din and takes 4 hours. Scientist explains 800 grams of Blood is made from 32 kg meal. Approximately 20 grams semen is made from 800 grams of blood, Amazing energy in restraint of semen from the body and Power occurs, the ancient physician
Dnwantri the "Oz" is said. The “Oz” is natural glow on face or body. The Oz helps the man Instrumental in providing the ultimate benefit of Atamdarshan. Wherever you are in someone's life Some aracteristic, sharp face, declares force, work Included enthusiasm, there is Treat of Viryrkshn ( means that person save his semen ) The only miracle. As his power by divine seed Man is given. The Power is called Kundalini. Modern nuclear Kundalini in the language of science (atomic Reactor) is | Foundations cycle Kundalini power level most ardent
Capabilities of sitting down. In mythology it Is called Mahakali. Kamskti the non use, utilization, what abuse Personality type affects humans; Her spiritual science should work. The Experiment with lots of power, wisdom Must be that element of celibacy Knowledge. With electrical energy Purpose umberless
Are met and benefits are taken, but it Use it only when properly Came to be, for otherwise defaulting

If that proves to be fatal power.

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