Stomach Ache Cure With Mango | उदरशूल का उपचार | Udarshool

Stomach Ache is common now a days. we can cure such aches with home remedies. Such patient need to suck mangoes daily at 8 am in the morning and 4 pm in the evening. At least 1/2 kg mango juice should be taken. after that take milk 1/4 kg. please don't drink water after the mango juice. if you want to drink water then drink after some time but the water should be boiled. Such patient should eat wheat grain Roti with mango. this is the magical nuskha. it can cure stomach ache within one week. 

Stomach Ache Cure With Mango,  उदरशूल का उपचार, Udarshool


इस बीमारी को ठीक करने के लिए रोगी को सुबह के आठ बजे और शाम के चार बजे पके हुए आम को चूसना चाहिए  रोगी को आम उतनी ही मात्रा में चूसना चाहिए कि  आधी किलो आम का रस उसके पेट में चला जाये  और ऊपर से पानी के बदले २५० ग्राम दूध पी लें  पानी तो बिल्कुल नहीं पीना चाहिए  यदि पानी पीना है तो पानी को उबालकर ठंडा करके पी लें  दोपहर के समय रोगी को आम के रस के साथ गेहूँ की रोटी खाए  इसके आलावा और कोई भोज्य पदार्थ का सेवन नहीं करना चाहिए  इस उपचार से एक सप्ताह में उदरशूल की बीमारी ठीक हो जाती है 

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